Why should I use go

You’ve probably seen people talking about how go is fast, simple etc. But what is go?

Go in a nutshell

Go (a.k.a Golang) is an open-source programming language developed by a team of 3 at Google. They created Go specifically to build their backend applications. It makes it an obvious choice for developing any application which requires high performance and easy-to-understand code.

It is a relatively young but popular programming language. According to a Stack Overflow survey, Go took third place in the ranking of programming languages that developers would like to study.

Okay but why should i use go?

  • Scalability

Because of its ability to handle several simultaneous task it is considered scalable and is directly proportional to the growth of the business

  • Error Checks

Go comes with a built-in error type as a result the developers can spot errors leading to nil malfunctions

  • Garbage Collector

An automatic memory management which has a significant influence on performance and helps to make concurrency more efficient

  • Simplicity

It is devoid of classes and type inheritance. The language is based on function, so it is simple and it is well documented.


I think it is a great language for building API servers and CLI apps. Those are it’s two best use cases. It uses far less RAM than Java, with similar performance. It has significantly better performance than python or ruby.

It’s not good at making desktop UIs, since it doesn’t have a good gui library (though that’s getting better).

I like it because there’s very little magic, but it still has good ergonomics. And last but not least, I can basically always understand any code written in it, no matter who wrote it, which is a giant plus for anyone working on a team.