I became a Pythonista!

That’s right, I became a Pythonista.

After spending 1 year talking trash about how Python is slow, I became a Pythonista. But why?


Let’s go back 1 month ago. I was bored of using javascript/go for every fucking thing. I needed something new, something fresh so I started searching that new thing. And found that Python might be the way to go.

And so I started learning it. Now obviously, I knew Python, it was my first programming language. But come on don’t judge me. I spent 1 year without touching it. Definitely needed a refresher

After refreshing my knowledge in python for 2 days I wanted to build something with it.

I was bored of writing little scripts for 2 days and needed something new, something fresh. And again I started looking for that new thing. After searching for 2 and a half minute I found it. It was…


Oh.. My.. God. Where do I start? This could be the best thing I’ve ever seen in python. (or maybe its because I am a beginner) This framework is really fast

I always thought everything I wrote in Python would be slow. Boy oh boy was I wrong. It is much faster than flask or django and it is much simpler than expressjs or all the other things.

Creating ecmastatus

Now that I’ve learned FastAPI it was time to create a new mini project.

So you know how every social media has a status thing for you to write some random quote there and look like a fucking genius who reads books all day right?

Yes, and that was not enough for me, so I coded a little website for myself where I can update my status. Ecmastatus

Oh also, I used Redis as my database. Now stop booing me, I know it is usually a bad idea to use Redis as a primary database. But not in my case. I am not storing gigabytes of data in my database. I just needed to store key:value.


I learned it, I used it and I liked it. Python is a great language and past me is an idiot for not using it.

Thank you for reading.